| The logline |
In order to treat her social media addiction, a photographer attempts the impossible: to capture a close-up of the horizon.
| The logline |
In order to treat her social media addiction, a photographer attempts the impossible: to capture a close-up of the horizon.
| The Content |
Crooked Laeves Grew on Trees (purposely misspelled) is a short psychological drama set in a world where social media addiction is gradually disassociating “us” from reality in favour of a digital fantasy that ultimately strips our identity and our individuality.
| Trivia |
The film is an amalgam of three separate events: a request from actress Jordana Lajoie to write a short exclusive to her, the director’s fascination with his own use of social media while traveling across Asia, and a philosophical question with no answer asked by a friend over 10 years ago.
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